Benji, so the rescuers had heard, lived his entire life on the street. Wary of people, no one was ever able to get near enough to him, but finally a rescue happened. Benji's reaction was what one might expect, but he soon learned what the touch of a kind human hand could mean. Read more
Living Free Animal Sanctuary has a mission, as do all rescues, but this one has more than just themselves in mind. The Almost Home 2020 initiative has a clear objective, but it is not one they can do alone.
Two women discovered and rescued Rambo, who was left on a roadside for dead. He's suspected to have been a bait dog, used to train other dogs for fighting. Read more
A bicyclist captured film of the dog trotting along after the truck. She returned in a car, but by the time she made it back, the dog had vanished. Read more
“I stuck my head in and asked Mr. Brown, 'By chance is his name Saint?' 'Oh my gosh! I’ve been trying to get a hold of you guys,'” said Hooker. “It was meant to be.” Read more
“I don’t want to say I took it as a sign,” said Acord, though it did strike her as peculiar. “But I wanted to, at least, see the dog go to a good home.” Read more
Chi chi was found wrapped in a garbage bag and left behind a dumpster at a dog meat farm. Thankfully, she's been rescued, and has a new family to love her. Read more
“Chula’s new mom and dad are two of the most loving, patient and caring people, and we knew that they would give Chula the time that she needed to blossom.” Read more