They used their trademark, tasty cheeseburgers to get the puppies out from the cave. What puppy could resist the tasty charms of a good burger? Read more
Some of them started scampering off before Eldad could reach them, but he got them all, and spent 10 minutes searching for any they didn’t see at first glance. Read more
This is, once again, an amazing transformation courtesy of Eldad Hagar and Hope for Paws. Jordan’s story is a real tear jerker. So as a fair warning, if you’re an emotional person as some of us here at Life with Dogs are, you may NOT want to watch this at work.
Yet again, the amazing folks at Hope for Paws have been called into action. This time, to rescue Mufasa. This poor dog had been living in a water treatment plant in Los Angeles. Someone that is employed by the treatment facility had noticed him, and after seeing a different Hope for Paws rescue video online, contacted the rescue group.
Hope for Paws got a call about a stray dog that had been living in a lot. There were many escape routes, so capturing him would be difficult. Eldad Hagar and Lisa Arturo blocked up the holes and brought a huge net to corner him.