
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Watch “The Great Corgi Escape!”

How does Beau keep getting out of the kitchen? One curious and frustrated owner set up a camera to find out the secret behing this corgi's escape-artist skills!
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Update on Antonia:  From Sheer Misery to Pure Joy

“When Antonia first met her potential parents, it was like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She immediately bonded with them and even played.”
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These Animals Redefine “Brother from Another Mother”

These guy have not just a twin of their own species, but a twin that's an entirely different animal altogether!
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Family to Adopt Dog With Cancer to Give Him Best Christmas Ever

He may have had a VERY difficult 2016, but a family is out to show this dying dog a loving family Christmas one last time.
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Dog Returned to Shelter Four Times Just Wants a Forever Family from Santa!

Precious is very well mannered, non-destructive, obeys all rules, has excellent manners and is patiently waiting for someone to say "I want you!"
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Dog Living in an Abandoned Apartment by Herself for a Week Could Not Be Happier to Be Adopted

“She has no concept of a leash or a collar. She is scared, timid, nervous and shy. I've been showering her with affection. She has to be touching me at all times…”
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