
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Bereaved Mom Writes a Funny and Touching Obituary for Her Deceased Doggie

“Some of Brian’s favorite activities included barking at things not there, cuddling alongside you, taking over his mother’s bed, licking his butt, acting like a spazz…” <3
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Adorable Dog Has Her Own Bus Pass So She Can Take Herself to the Park

“This is Eclipse. Every day she leaves the house by herself, and takes the bus downtown to the dog park. She even has her own buss pass attached to her collar.” <3
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New Map Released After Research Project Shows US Hot Spots for Lyme Disease

“Our research into modeling disease in space and time shows us how dynamic canine Lyme disease is on an annual basis."
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Family Puts Up a Sign to Let Neighbors Know Why Their Dog Is On the Roof

It’s understandable that people would be concerned, but the roof in the backyard is only about three feet off the ground, so it’s not that far for Huck to jump. <3
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This Teen Loves Her Dog So Much That She Made Her a Matching Prom Dress

“When I bought my prom dress and saw that my dress had a lot of fabric that needed to be cut off, it came to me that I HAD to include Sasha in my prom photos.” <3
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Tiny, Regal Dog Has Her Very Own Majestic Steed

“I heard Hank walking around the living room, and I looked up, and Bella was just laying on him going from room to room,” Adriana Burkhart said. <3
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