
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Behavior & Training

5 Tips for a Safe Horseback Riding Experience

horseback ridingSuperman’s (Christopher Reeve) fall from grace – and a horse – helped bring to light the dangers of horseback riding, even for an experienced rider like Reeve.

How To Train Your Dog To Walk Obediently

walkIf you never taught a person how to speak or write, they wouldn’t be able to do either – certainly not at a socially acceptable level, at least. The same can be said for obedient walking and your dog.

Benefits of Agility Training for Your Dog

agility trainingTraining your dog is an important step in ensuring he’ll be properly socialized and always willing to take commands and behave.

Things to Consider Before Getting a Real Easter Bunny

bunnyNo one can deny how adorable a bunny really is, especially a baby bunny. And there seems to be no better time than the spring, especially around Easter, to introduce a new rabbit into your family.

Body Language and Vocalizations: What’s Your Cat Really Saying?

body languageUnlike dogs who wag their tails, smile, whimper, and give other pretty obvious clues about what they’re feeling and thinking, cats can be a lot harder to read.

How To Introduce Your New Baby to Your Dog

new babyWe often say that babies have a unique smell and presence that changes our lives and homes instantly. We’re dead on, and our dogs are well aware of it. Babies don’t smell, or act, like us, and so our dogs may or may not know how to act around a newborn.

The Importance of Playtime with Your Cat

playtimeAlthough felines can be independent, they also crave companionship and playtime with their human guardians and with other cats.

Dogs and Their Ability to Smell and Detect Cancer

smellA dog’s sense of smell is one of its coolest features. Its nose can pinpoint bombs, drugs, and, in some cases, the moment a diabetic is suffering from a hyperglycemic event.

How To Treat Toy Aggression in Dogs

dogsToys are a great way for dogs to burn off energy and socialize. But they can be counterproductive if your dog doesn’t know how to play nice with others.


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