
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Chihuahua Takes on the Great Outdoors of Nova Scotia

Cedric may be small in stature, but this chihuahua knows how to take in nature at its finest as he embarks on his big Nova Scotia adventure.
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The Town Refused to Help, So Neighbors Saved This Chained, Taped-Up Dog Themselves

Alfie was blessed with a new family, one who was every bit as loving as his previous one was heartless. He rejoiced in being free to run, play, and snuggle.
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Police Dog Locates Elderly Woman Missing in Wilderness for Four Days

Thanks to Boomer and the RCMP, a woman lost in the wilderness for four days is safe and sound, and expected to make a full recovery.
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Man Risks Life by Jumping into Ocean to Save Perfect Stranger’s Dog from Drowning

"I would not have been able to live with myself if I had been standing there and watched Nellie drown," he says. "So I made the choice to go after her."
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Piloto de empresa canadense quebra regras para que passageiros salvassem seus animais de incêndio

A área de Fort McMurray, no Canadá, passou por um período de incêndio florestal que durou semanas. Por conta do fogo, milhares de moradores foram obrigados a deixar a região.

Embora a companhia aérea na qual Keith Mann é piloto e gerente de operações de voo não permita o transporte de animais de estimação, o homem não hesitou em deixar quase 100 bichinhos voarem em sua aeronave para que eles também conseguissem fugir do incêndio em segurança.

Man Smashes Car Window with HUGE Rock to Save Overheating Dog Inside

"No one came after a while so everyone got together to solve the issue. After the dog was rescued, the owners showed up 50 minutes later."
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Homem não conseguia achar emprego por causa de seu cão de serviço até que alguém contratou os dois

No Canadá, um homem estava com muita dificuldade para encontrar um emprego que aceitasse a presença de seu cão de serviço até que uma loja decidiu contratar os dois.

Ele necessita da companhia de seu cachorro por causa de uma lesão cerebral.

Anunciar a contratação de um funcionário na Internet é algo raro, mas a loja de materiais de construção Lowe’s Canada decidiu divulgar a novidade.

O cão Blue trabalha no atendimento ao cliente e recebeu até uma roupa especial com seu nome.

Heroic Young Boys Rescue Mother Dog Stuck in Trash Can Lid

"True Community heroes. Wow, I am speechless. They deserve an award. These boys are pretty happy that they got the lid off the dog just a while ago."
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Horribly Abused Rescue Dog Changes Woman’s Life Forever

Woman adopts horribly abused dog from rescue shelter, and has her outlook on life changed forever.
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Canadian Pilot Breaks the Rules to Fly Pets to Safety During Wildfire

“We didn’t want any people to make the decision to stay behind because they couldn’t take their pets so we broke our policies on the carriage of pets to let that happen.”
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