04 Maio, 2017by adminAdvocacy, Available for Adoption, Awww!, Dog News, facebook, Hempstead Town Animal Shelter, LWD Adoptable Dog of the Day, rescue dog, Rescue Group, shelter, social media, adoption advocacy, Available for Adoption, Awww, cookie, Dog, Dog News, Dogs, long shelter stay, New York
04 Mar, 2016by adminabandoned, Adopted, Awww!, Cute Dog Videos, Dog News, Entertainment, Friendship, International, kids, neglect, Rainbow Bridge, Recovery, rescue dog, vídeo, Adopted, baby, breeder, chihuahua, cookie, cute dog video, cute video, Daizu, Dog News, friend, neglect, play, Rainbow Bridge, rescue, Soybean, treat, vídeo
26 Set, 2014by adminCelebridades, apresentadora, atriz, bittencourt, cachorra, cachorrinha, cadela, caroline, chihuahua, cookie
Caroline Bittencourt tem uma linda chihuahua chamada Cookie.
A atriz e apresentadora adora colocar fotos da cachorrinha no Instagram.