“I miss him every single day,” Tom said. “I will bankrupt myself to get my dog back, I will do anything to make sure he can be back at home with his family.” Read more
A West Virginia woman was acquitted on charges of obstruction of justice after stepping in between her dog, and a cop trying to shoot it, seemingly for no reason. Read more
Judge Durrance said, “The sad thing about this is that [a dog] is supposed to be man’s best friend, but there was clear evidence that Reed raised these dogs to fight, and that's a sad situation for the animals." Read more
Nazirah Bey said telling her children what happened was devastating, as they loved Honey very much. “It’s not a dog,” she explained in court. “It’s family to us.” Read more
Dean Cresswell was walking his dogs when they discovered him in a field in Windsor, Ontario. His petition for a life ban of pets for Hill garnered 65,000 signatures. Read more
“I want you to live like Moose… go down to the county dump… the stinkiest, smelliest place they can find, and I want you to sit there… if you puke, you puke.” Read more
“If you do not make an accommodation in your BSL for service animals or emotional support animals, then you're violating the FHA and the laws are very, very clear on that in our opinion,” Lancaster said. Read more
“Katie Brown taped her dog’s mouth shut for one minute and has gotten so much more exposure and penalties in just one week... What’s wrong with THIS picture?!” Read more