A Missouri man stepped in to help when his security camera captured a woman in the act of dumping a dog near his home. Now police are searching for her. Read more
Sly was 50 pounds underweight and had an intestinal blockage when humane officers found him. Now on the road to recovery, his case is being investigated. Read more
Four dogs are now in the custody of the PSPCA, receiving treatment after being rescued from an active dog-fighting ring in South Philadelphia. Read more
In addition, Sherri Haughton will attend an animal cruelty program, serve 56 hours of community service and pay back more than $7,000 for Henry's medical care. Read more
Hank was accused & sentenced for a crime he didn't commit, then seized from his new family who knew nothing of his case. At last, this innocent pupper is free! Read more
Caitlyn became an ambassador for animal abuse when horrendous photos of her taped muzzle went viral in 2015. Her life today is filled with love and kindness. Read more
This man was caught on video abandoning a dog in an area of Dallas well known for such things. He's since turned himself in to police and will face charges. Read more
Police dog Finn survived the horrible attack and is now enjoying retirement with his handler, who has worked tirelessly to raise money for a series of causes. Read more