
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Dog Has Spent His Whole Life Trying to Catch a Squirrel, So His Mom Finally Got One for Him

Cody now spends most of his time canoodling with his plush toy. Who knows – maybe he’ll leave the outdoor squirrels alone!
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Big Ol’ Mush of a Dog Gives Cuddles to Scared Shelter Animals

When other dogs were brought to the house, they just needed to snuggle with Charlie. He calmed them during such a tumultuous time in their lives.
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Sister Snuggles with Little Brother Having a Nightmare

Dogs are highly in tune with the emotional states of others, particularly those whom they are close to, and it’s possible that Laika picked up some bad vibes.
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32 Dads Who Absolutely Adore Their Dogs

32 Dads Who Absolutely Adore Their Dogs

Hey dads – show us your best Father’s Day photos in the comments!
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It’s Doggie Sleepover Time!


It’s Friday night, and we know what that means – it’s slumber party time!  Well, maybe not for most of us adults, but dogs always get to have sleepovers!



Tenha um bichinho de pelúcia igual ao seu cachorro

Já imaginou seu cachorro em forma de bichinho de pelúcia? Agora isso é possível!

A empresa Cuddle Clones ( faz uma réplica do seu cachorro em versão de pelúcia. Basta enviar uma ou mais fotos do seu cão.

O cachorro de pelúcia é feito à mão e leva cerca de 8 semanas para ficar pronto. O bichinho terá de 33 a 44 centímetros, dependendo do peso e raça do seu cão.

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