
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Skinny Vinnie Loses 18+ Pounds in 8 Months

Fat Vincent was overweight, depressed, barely able to walk, had high cholesterol, a bowed back that could cause nerve damage, and surrendered. But look at him now.
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Rainha da Inglaterra posou para capa de revista na companhia de seus cães

A rainha da Inglaterra é apaixonada por seus corgis. Então, é claro, que eles não poderiam ficar de fora da comemoração de seu aniversário.

A fotógrafa Annie Leibovitz fez uma série de retratos para marcar os 90 anos da Rainha Elizabeth II e o resultado pode ser visto na edição de junho da revista britânica Vanity Fair.

Ode to a Wiener Dog Champion

Buda, Texas is the self-proclaimed "Wiener Dog Capital of Texas," according to the Buda Lions Club , sponsor of the annual Wiener Dog Races, a big part of the Buda County Fair.
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Being Dumped at a Shelter Was the Best Thing That Could Have Happened to This Horribly Neglected Dog

“Reese is now resting more comfortably than he has for a very long time and seems to really like all of the love that he is receiving.”
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Game On! Dachshund Pup Kills It On The iPad

Get the bonus points! This adorable little weenie is no noob when it comes to doggie delights of the iPad!
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See A 3D Dachshund Come to Life Before Your Eyes


Protetor de ouvido em formato de cachorro

Se você acha que o mundo está muito barulhento, saiba que existe uma maneira divertida de proteger seus ouvidos.

O designer japonês Mao Yamamoto criou o Mimi Pet Earplugs, que são protetores auriculares em formato de um cachorro dachshund.


Dachshund Gets a Job as a Mechanic’s Assistant

Because of their unnaturally elongated bodies, Dachshunds can easily damage their spines. This little guy’s human has made sure not to load him up with too many tools.
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Genius Dad Uses Reverse Psychology to Get Dog to Take Medicine

Okay, so this might not be the best idea if you want a perfectly well-trained dog, but sometimes you have to do what’s necessary to make sure they’re healthy.
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Dachshund Saves Two Boys Being Attacked by Black Bear

The bear turned on Nikita, and began “gnawing and clawing him.” Just then, a little doxie appeared out of nowhere, and not a moment too soon. Tosya began fiercely barking at the bear.
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