A Thornton, Colo., home exploded on June 19, 2014, claiming the lives of a man and two dogs. However, Snoopy, an eight-pound Chihuahua survived the ordeal and is recovering at a local animal clinic.
When the explosion took place, neighbors Robert Russell and his son Noah were at their home, two houses away, but the deafening sound and the strong vibration startled them, and they rushed over to see what had happened.
Recent heavy rains in Serbia have flooded towns and forced area residents to evacuate. In Zabrežje, the Sava River crested and locals were relocated to a shelter in nearby Belgrade. However, families with pets were forced to leave their four-legged family members behind. Dona, a seven year-old mixed-breed dog, is one of many abandoned pets, however the pet was determined to get back with her family, and somehow she swam across the river, then walked a few kilometers into Boljevci and found her owners.
While the hero rescuers excavated an area they overheard the cries of a dog. Following the sound they moved to where the sounds were coming from and started digging. Soon enough they found the dog.
"At one point my dog was coming down one of those large rubble piles and she put her front paw into a large glass window. The glass shattered, and her foot went through," said Armstrong.
“We were so sad, so distraught for 17 months,” Miguel Cruz said. “When you’re a dog person, the dog is part of the family. It’s a family member that’s gone. So, you never give up hope.”