
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Dog News

UPDATE: Dog Chained to a Concrete Block and Left to Drown Has Been Adopted!

“I have a 16-year-old lab, and I was thinking about getting another dog… I just thought I needed to get him,” John Pilburn said. “I fell right in love with him.” <3
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New Map Released After Research Project Shows US Hot Spots for Lyme Disease

“Our research into modeling disease in space and time shows us how dynamic canine Lyme disease is on an annual basis."
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“If You’re A Dog Mom, Put Your Hands Up…!” It’s the Dog Mom Anthem!

Do you take your pup everywhere? Throw your dog birthday parties? Spend all your money on treats? You might be a dog mom. And this might be your song.
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Family Puts Up a Sign to Let Neighbors Know Why Their Dog Is On the Roof

It’s understandable that people would be concerned, but the roof in the backyard is only about three feet off the ground, so it’s not that far for Huck to jump. <3
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Dog So Overweight He Looked Like a Manatee Loses 80 Pounds

“He’ll need medication for life as he has a thyroid problem but he doesn’t let it affect him. He’s now looking for an active forever home to keep his fitness up.” <3
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Dog Once Called “Saddest Dog in the World” Finds Herself Looking for a Forever Family Again

Lana's birthday is coming on the 14th, and if she doesn't find a forever family or rescue before the 20th, she'll have to be put to sleep.
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