A hunting dog left behind at the end of the hunting season was attacked by a bear, but luckily he survived the attack. The dog is well and now need a forever home.
No one knows how long the canine was in the water, but if it wasn't for Deputy Frye who was patrolling the area, the four-legged friend wouldn't be alive today.
Six weeks ago, a concerned citizen heard a whimper coming from a garbage can. Under some trash was a weak and scared little dog. The pet was rescued and has found a loving forever home.
A scared dog, trapped inside a garbage bin, was waiting to be rescued or to be crushed with the rest of the garbage. Thankfully the dog was rescued before a garbage truck came to pick up the trash.
Penny made an incredible recovery and she has been adopted by a loving family. She is spoiled, well cared for, and shares her home with another dog. Authorities are still looking for her abusers.
"It definitely it's a miracle the way it went, he survived so that he could tell his story, so that people would know that it's not OK to do this to a dog."
A Michigan firefighter discovered a stray dog in his yard with its front paws bound with zip ties. The firefighter called Animal Control and had the abused pet rescued immediately.