Eldad Hagar of Hope For Paws recently rescued a meek pit bull from a Los Angeles residential neighborhood where children pelted the dog with rocks. Buddha, as he is now called, is in foster care and can be adopted from Ace of Hearts Dog Rescue.
A scared and disoriented dog jumped off the Fall Creek Road bridge in Indianapolis, Ind., and was drowning, but Russ Chargualaf, was there at the right time and saved the pet.
After being the victim of vicious dog attacks, Little Bear found guardian angels that saved his life, helped him heal, and got him ready for his happily-ever-after.
It took more than an hour for firefighters to the rescue the dog, but after carefully examining the chair's mechanism, the hero rescuers were able to free the elder canine uninjured.
The pup could have easily been hit by one of the trains, but thanks to train workers who responded quickly to the emergency call, the dog is alive and well.