
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Dog Retirement Home Destroyed By Harvey Floods in Texas

The yard and entire first floor of this senior sanctuary was underwater for a time after Hurricane Harvey. Volunteers are working hard to fix things up quickly.
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Remembering Bretagne: 9/11 Search Dog Honored With Statue in Texas

Bretagne, the last surviving search and rescue dog who worked at the World Trade Center following Sept. 11, was honored on Monday with a statue.
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Dog Lovers Unite To Rescue 21 Canine Harvey Victims in One Boat!

Betty Walter refused to leave the dogs she'd decided to protect through Hurricane Harvey. Three good Samaritans in a boat ensured she didn't have to!
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Woman Has Chance Reunion With The Dog Her Parents Gave Away. Get Your Tissues.

Ten years after her parents' divorce, a young woman has a chance meeting with the dog she thought she'd never seen again.
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How Otis Became A Symbol of Strength During Hurricane Harvey

Otis' family was worried when he broke out during Hurricane Harvey, but by the time he came home, he was an Internet celebrity!
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Deadbeat Doggie Dad Being Sued for $32,000 in Back “Pet Support”

Lola's owner claims her ex was supposed to pay for dog food and other expenses, as well as share vet costs.
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In Dog Ownership Dispute, Judge Judy Lets The Dog Decide: Watch!

When faced with a dog-ownership dispute in her TV courtroom, Judge Judy laid down her gavel and let the pup decide!
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