
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


London Launches the World’s First Bus Tour for Dogs

“London is a city famed for its fascinating history and rich culture, much of which man’s best friend has been heavily involved in,” said spokesman Steve Jay.
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After Long Legal Battle, Mexico FINALLY Agrees to Stop Putting K9s Down Upon Retirement

“For almost their entire lives they’ve done nothing but serve the nation, and they’ve been the best companions.”
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Mailman Builds a Ramp for a Disabled Senior Dog on His Route

“It’s incredible,” said Dimetrosky. “I can’t imagine not having the ramp now. It’s the only way [Tashi] gets in and out.”
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BREAKING NEWS: Massive Dog Meat Market in South Korea Has Been Shut Down

"Seongnam City will take the initiative to transform South Korea's image since 'the greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.'"
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Psycho Hunter Who Bragged About Shooting His Neighbor’s Dogs Has Been Fired from His Job

“I asked him, ‘Did you kill my dogs, man? I want to know so I can bury them.’ Then he kind of looks down his nose at me and says ‘Yeah, I killed your dogs.’”
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Vet Struggles to Find Job Due to Service Dog, So Lowes Hires Him AND the Dog

"If someone is a good worker, it shouldn't matter if they have a service dog. But in our case, it's been an absolute benefit to have Charlotte around."
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Dog Has the Most Incredible “Buddy the Elf” Moment When Her Family Takes Her to Meet Santa

They spent a whopping $30 on the photo, but the look on her face is simply priceless. Plus, John said they got wallet-sized photos.
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Rotten Children Tried to Drown This Street Puppy in Glue, But He Was Saved Just in Time

“Our heart is broken but we will not let Pascal go through this alone,” He'Art of Rescue said. We will do everything until he is completely recovered.”
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