
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Dog Faints with Excitement at Reunion with Family Member


7.25.14 - Dog Passes Out with Excitement1

Rebecca Ehalt had been gone for two years, “which in fairness is 14 years in dog years,” she explained.  Her mini Schnauzer Casey was so overjoyed to see her that she passed out with excitement at their reunion.

Boy Teaches Puppy How to Howl


Belka is 20 days old, and just learning how to do all those important puppy things.  One of the most important lessons for a husky pup is learning how to howl.  She’s catching on just fine…




14 “Aggressive” Dogs Who Totally Forgot to Be Vicious


We know that when it comes to dog aggression, each individual dog’s experiences with humans and other animals is what will determine its level of aggression.  There is no inherently vicious breed, and to prove it, here are 14 dogs defying their stereotypes.

Police Officer Dives in Lake to Rescue Dog in Submerged Truck

6.11.14 - Police Officer Rescues Submerged Dog3A Massachusetts police officer heroically dove into a murky lake to rescue a Chihuahua from eight feet below, in a completely sunken truck.  The little dog was not breathing, but after pulling him from the water, Officer David Harriman also

Beagles Rescued from Lab Testing Get First Taste of Freedom

These dogs have spent their entire lives trapped in cages by themselves. Now they are getting to have their very first experience with fresh air, sunshine, grass between their toes, and each other.

Heroic Officers Save Senior Dog Struggling in Mud for 60 Hours

“I just pictured my own dog and what I would want somebody to do and that’s to go get it,” officer Mike Kushner said.

Dog Carries Abandoned Newborn Child to Shelter

“She took it like a puppy and rescued it,” Chief Salcedo told CNN. “The doctors told us if she hadn’t done this, he would have died.”


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