
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Compassionate Dog Tries to Save Dead Fish by Giving Them Water

Few creatures on this planet show as much empathy towards others as dogs do.
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The Oregon Chub Minnow Triumphs Extinction

minnowNo one has ever really given the Oregon Chub Minnow much of a second (or first) thought … until now. Why would they? The rare minnow is all of 3.5 inches long, and swims under the radar, usually.

The Strange and Amazing World of Glow in the Dark Sea Life

glow in the darkWe love our glow in the dark stuff don’t we? Whether it be glow in the dark markers, clothing, ceiling stars, or – in college – the black light phenomenon, we can’t get enough of things that go “glow” in the dark.

Can My Dog Eat Thanksgiving Dinner?

thanksgivingThanksgiving is a time for family and friends to join together for one monster of a meal. When you look at it on paper – food and family – you’d think that Thanksgiving dinner is the perfect setting for a dog. But is it?

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