The mannequin challenge seems to be all the rage these days on the internet. Well, here's a group of service dogs having a go at it, and we must say well done! Read more
YouTuber Joey Ahren has his dog Steel, who is perpetually hungry, try out some fruits and vegetables to see if there's anything he WON'T eat! Read more
Put on your favorite, cozy pajamas and pile onto this impossibly cute, cuddly couch full of sweet, sleepy golden retriever puppies! Too. Much. Cute. <3 Read more
Would more fans watch UFC fights if they came with sound effects? We're not sure, but we'd rather watch these cuties throw down any day of the week! Read more
“I’m also happy that they decided to put a GoPro on their dog, Tucker, for the wedding, because they have gone and created a cinematic masterpiece." Read more