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27 Jan, 2017by adminAwww!, Cute Dog Videos, Dog News, Dogs Being Silly, Entertainment, facebook, Funny, Funny Dog Videos, just for laughs, social media, vídeo, Aloha shirts, dog costumes, dogs in aloha shirts, dogs in costumes, French bulldog, French bulldogs, Frenchies, googly eyes, silly dogs
16 Jan, 2017by adminAwww!, Cute Dog Videos, dog dad, Dog News, Dogs Being Silly, Floof, Funny, Funny Dog Videos, Humans Being Silly with Dogs, just for laughs, puppies, vídeo, adorable Frenchie, adorable Frenchies, cute puppies, dogs who talk, French bulldogs, Frenchie French bulldog, Frenchie puppy, Frenchie talks, Frenchies, talking dogs, talking puppies
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23 Jul, 2016by adminAwww!, behavior, Cute Dog Videos, Dog News, Dogs Being Silly, Entertainment, Funny Dog Videos, vídeo, dog in kiddie pool, dogs and pools, French bulldog, French bulldogs, Frenchie, Frenchie swimming, Frenchies, swimming dogs
11 Jul, 2016by adminAwww!, Cute Dog Videos, Dog News, Entertainment, Funny Dog Videos, funny story, vídeo, viral video, dancing dog, French bulldog, French bulldog videos, Frenchie, Frenchie dances to Wham, Frenchies, funny dog dances
20 Jun, 2016by adminAwww!, Cute Dog Videos, Dog News, Entertainment, Funny Dog Videos, social media, vídeo, Wow!, bully breeds, cute dogs playing, dogs playing, French bulldogs, Frenchies, muscly dogs, rope toys
25 Maio, 2016by adminAwww!, Cute Dog Videos, Dog News, Entertainment, Funny Dog Videos, funny story, puppies, vídeo, dogs eating watermelon, French bulldog, French bulldogs, Frenchies, popular dogs of Instagram, Rolex the Frenchie