"TAF was called about Liz after she was brought to a shelter soaked in urine, blinded by matted fur over her eyes, emaciated and unable to stand on her own." Read more
When Bob fell getting firewood on New Year's Eve, badly injuring his neck, there was no one around to help him...except his devoted dog, Kelsey. She was enough. Read more
Thankfully, some politicians are working swiftly to amend the current code so crap owners will be more seriously motivated to take proper care of their animals. Read more
“If they could use a phone, they certainly could have gotten help for this dog. There is never a reason to be cruel or neglectful to a defenseless animal.” Read more
Fast thinking, first by a concerned witness and then by a team of expert first responders, is what saved Petey from becoming a frozen fatality. Read more
Medical staff believe that even though it is going to take quite a while, and require a ton of love and hard work, but a full recovery is possible for Caesar. Read more
The pup bares its teeth, and as the man tries to pull it out, it clamps down hard on his left arm. However, this does not deter him from achieving his goal. Read more