02 Abr, 2015by adminabandoned, Abuse, Dog News, Fundraiser, Injured, Recovery, rescue, Abuse, Border Collie, Dog News, injury, recover, rope, St. Louis, Tether
26 Mar, 2015by adminabandoned, Abuse, Adopted, charity, Dog News, Fundraiser, Good Samaritan, Heroic Humans, Inspirational Dog Videos, rescue, Rescue Group, senior dogs, vídeo, Wow!, contest, Dog News, Fundraiser, good deed, inspiration, rescue, sanctuary, senior, Washington
25 Mar, 2015by adminAdvocacy, Dog News, Friendship, Fundraiser, health, Injured, Dog, Dog News, Dogs, For the love of Alex Inc., Fundraiser, Meli's story
If you can, please consider donating. The surgery the Meli, Hawaiian for honey, has to be performed with an extreme degree of precision, and has permanent life effecting ramifications.
22 Mar, 2015by adminAdvocacy, Dog News, Friendship, Fundraiser, health, illness, Resources, $4500USD needed, blind, blindness, Dog, dog going blind, dog needs surgery, Dog News, Dogs, Fundraiser, Please help
20 Mar, 2015by adminDog News, Fundraiser, illness, cancer, Dog News, donate, donation, Florida, Fundraiser, pit bull
19 Mar, 2015by adminAdvertisement, Dog News, Fundraiser, campaign, crowd source, disco, Dog News, Kickstarter, led, light, night, product, project, technology, vest, walk
18 Mar, 2015by admincharity, Dog News, Fundraiser, Good Samaritan, Holidays, Rescue Group, shelter, Dog Food, Dog News, donation, food, Paddy's Day, party, pet food, St. Patrick's Day, Tacoma, Washington
06 Mar, 2015by adminDog News, Fundraiser, cancer, Dog News, Fundraiser, pit bull
01 Mar, 2015by adminDog News, Fundraiser, Service Dog, anxiety, autism, depression, Dog News, Fundraiser, North Carolina
28 Fev, 2015by adminAdopted, Dog News, Fundraiser, Heroic Humans, rescue, Update, charlie, Dog News, New York, NYC, park, rescue, Ricky, senior, Update