Vets and Humane Society workers in Ohio are angry over this senseless act of violence. Trinity will lose her leg to the injury, but should otherwise recover. Read more
“In a matter of hours her health plummeted. She was so weak that she didn't even try to get away when I walked up to her, could not lift her head or stand up.” Read more
"TAF was called about Liz after she was brought to a shelter soaked in urine, blinded by matted fur over her eyes, emaciated and unable to stand on her own." Read more
“They chased each other through the house. Best friends from the beginning... inseparable. Calvin is a super couch potato, spoiled rotten, super cuddly guy.” Read more
Buster is in need of some lifesaving surgery, and his current foster/rescue group has ask us to ask our awesome readers if they could help out. Read more