
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Sheriff’s Deputy in Arizona Saved a Dog’s Life not Once but TWICE in the Same Day

“My friends and family keep saying, ‘Who shoots a dog like that?'” Miller said. “I keep saying, ‘who comes and rescues a dog like that?!'”
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U.S. Army Sergeant and Her Family Are Reunited With Their Missing Dog

Ginger may have contracted parvovirus while she was on the loose, but thankfully she was found quickly enough for treatment to work.
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UPDATE: German Shepherd Escape Artist Finds a Forever Family

Ginger the German shepherd has a new forever family, and the staff at AVAS has released a statement to clear the air about her former family and surrender.
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Cachorra dança em abrigo enquanto espera pela adoção

A espera pela adoção costuma ser longa e solitária. Por esse motivo, muitos cães ficam tristes e assustados nos abrigos.

Mas uma cachorra chamada Ginger de destacou nos Estados Unidos porque se movimenta como se estivesse dançando.

Um vídeo dela foi publicado no Facebook do Orange County Animal Services e se espalhou rapidamente pela Internet. Mais de 80 mil pessoas já assistiram a dança de Ginger em menos de 24 horas.


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