
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Good Samaritan

Police Rescue Dog from Hot Car in Kansas

Come on, Folks. It's summer. Leave the dog home when you have to go to Walmart. It's not just for your pet's own good. It's for your car's.
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Dog Overboard! Boats Team Up To Rescue Swimming Dog Off Martha’s Vineyard

The crews of two boats in the waters off Martha's Vineyard teamed up for a win to save a dog that had gone overboard from a ferry as it crossed Nantucket Sound.
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Good Samaritans Risk Injury to Rescue Dog Stuck on Second-Story Ledge

“We see this and I'm like, 'there's a dog on a ledge over there!' And so we are all looking, because it's the second floor."
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Man Risks Life by Jumping into Ocean to Save Perfect Stranger’s Dog from Drowning

"I would not have been able to live with myself if I had been standing there and watched Nellie drown," he says. "So I made the choice to go after her."
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Concerned Citizen Saves the Life of One of the Most Horribly Abused Dogs Ever

Augustus needs as many positive thoughts and donations as possible to give him the best chance of winning against the filth who tortured him for fun.
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Seven-Year-Old Catches Stray Dog That Refused to Be Caught by Anyone Else

“We tried treats. We tried calling her... She would run if she saw one of our trucks. We set a trap for her. She almost went in once and a loud truck scared her.”
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Dog Lost At Sea Rescued by Passing Lobster Boat Worker

The owner did not immediately notice and she spent some time swimming for her life until North Haven lobsterman Corey Beverage saw her and plucked her from the water, most certainly saving her life,” said the Maine Marine Patrol.
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Dog Rescuer Aids Family of 7 & 2 Pit Bulls

It's easy to look past a person or family in need, even easier when animals are involved. Who would have expected a dog rescuer to step up for an entire family?
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