
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Good Samaritan

Abused Puppy Chased Down the Street With a 2×4 Is Now All Smiles

“She's met several dogs, including hunky Miller (one of TAF’s therapy dogs)! Ivy had such a huge crush on him & couldn't stop gazing at him & licking his muzz.”
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Houston Cops Wrangle Westies on an Unscheduled Walk

When two West Highland terriers managed to escape their Houston home, these brave officers (and one good Samaritan) made sure tragedy was triumph instead.
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Remember Augustus?  Look at Him Now!

Two months later, Augustus had definitely made a lot of progress, but was battling a very itchy skin condition, which turned out to be something rather alarming...
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Miracle Worker Renews Legs and Spirit of Street Dog

This poor dog could not use its hind legs, dragging himself along to get wherever he needed to go. Then a gentle man, a Good Samaritan, offered help.
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Homeless Man With Great Love for His Dog Touched by an Angel

Patrick would do anything for Franklin, and when things went from bad to even worse, he took to a cardboard sign with the words "Dog in Pound - Need Help."
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Two People Charged With Felonies After Their Dog was Rescued in Terrible Condition

"I will do whatever it takes to see that those responsible are held accountable for the condition this animal is in," said Sheriff Jones.
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It Takes a Village to Save a Dog… and That Village Is Facebook!

"Hundreds of calls and messages went into the Sheriff's Office that night, not only from Florida residents but callers as far away as Texas and even Canada."
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Ultimate Survivor? The Title This Week Goes to Shayla

Shayla, who survived a shooting back in June, had already beaten the odds once. This week, in the wake of a vicious attack, she's become a survivor times two.
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Wolf Dog Forced to Live in Crate in Dorm Room Is Rescued and Adopted

"He was neglecting the animal by keeping him in a confined, cramped crate. The dog was only 42 pounds when his normal weight should have been 90 pounds."
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