
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Rainha da Inglaterra está desolada com a morte de sua cachorra Holly

A morte da cachorrinha Holly deixou a rainha da Inglaterra desolada.

De acordo com o Daily Mail UK, a corgi estava com 13 anos e sofria com uma doença e os efeitos da idade avançada. Então, teve de ser sacrificada.

Agora, a rainha Elizabeth II tem apenas um corgi chamado Willow e dois dorgis (mistura de corgi com dachshund), Vulcan e Candy.

Owners Pretend Their Own Dogs Are Strays

The word has been spreading about a pair of dogs that three women brought into the shelter, purportedly as strays. According to The Dodo, they may have gotten away without anyone being wise to their story, but for two small things. The dogs were wearing tags engraved with the owners names. After some questioning, the trio admitted they were losing their home and couldn't keep the dogs.
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