
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Mulher desiste de casamento arranjado após noivo pedir que ela abandonasse sua cachorra

A indiana Karishma Walia, que mora na cidade de Guargaon com sua cachorra Lucy, estava acertando os detalhes de um casamento arranjado com um bom partido de Nova Deli.

Porém, durante algumas conversas com seu noivo, um grande problema surgiu: ele pediu que Walia abandonasse sua cachorra porque não queria um cão no meio de sua vida amorosa e nem dividir a cama. Além disso, a mãe dele não gosta de cachorros.


Dog Literally Cries Tears of Joy When She Sees Her Rescuers Coming

"From the bottom of a 50 foot hole rose up the most plaintive cries for help. When our rescue crew arrived she literally sobs she's so beside herself with emotion."
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Dog Maliciously Launched from Roof in Viral Video Found Alive!

“What breaks my heart is that she was still wagging her tail,” said Shravan Krishnan, the man shown in the photo gently cradling her.
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Vet in India Designs Special Cart to Allow Injured Dog to Walk Once Again

"The customized cart can be easily fixed and dismantled just by tightening or loosening a clip. The height, width and length of the cart can be adjusted as per the dog's convenience," said Dr. Kompal.
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Man Who Never Learned to Swim Heroically Rescues Dog Drowning in River

"The moment I started taking off my turban, people watching around were shocked," Singh said. "They thought I was disrespecting my faith, but what was important at that point was to save the animal's life."
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156 Beagles Are Freed from Testing Facility

Thanks to the efforts of many rescue groups, these 156 beagles have a second shot at having a good life, like every creature deserves.
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The Dog Lady of New Delhi Feeds 400 Dogs a Day

“Nothing was here before. Earlier I had a tea stall, I used to make tea here,” said Devi. “I had one or two dogs, then they started giving birth to some more dogs.”
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Injured and Possibly Brain Damaged, Happy Surprised Everyone by Recovering

The crew named her Happy, as it became clear just how full of joy she was. She is such a little baby, and even loves being held like one.
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Maggot-Infested Dog with Leg Bound with Wire Saved

After months of treatment, Obie was finally healed. He showed staff members how docile and loving he was; it was clear just how much he appreciated their care.
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Macaco adota cachorrinho abandonado

Muita gente acredita que os humanos são os únicos seres que conseguem pensar e ter sentimentos. Porém, são esses mesmos seres que vemos fazer coisas cruéis como abandonar seus cães e até maltratá-los.

Felizmente também vemos o contrário, seres humanos que dedicam suas vidas a salvar animais que sofreram por causa de outros humanos, seres que se sentem superiores.


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