
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Inspirational Dog Videos

What These Wolves Did Will Blow Your Mind!

What These Wolves Did Will Blow Your Mind!

If you didn't have massive amounts of respect for wolves before, you will now.
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Remembering Our Dog Heroes On Memorial Day

A tribute to our war fallen four-legged heroes on Memorial Day.
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The post Remembering Our Dog Heroes On Memorial Day appeared first on Life With Dogs.

Shelter Dogs Make Modern Art to Raise Adoption Awareness

Canismo is one of many movements that uses art to promote the adopt, don’t shop philosophy.  Dogs were brought into a studio, and created 18 unique pieces of art which will be sold to help fund further adoption awareness.  Don’t worry readers, the paints created for this are animal-friendly, and edible!

Canadian Animal Welfare Organizations Donate Dog Houses


A group of Canadian rescue organizations came together to help build houses for dogs in Canada.  With the often times subzero temperatures in many parts of Canada, warm outdoor housing is the key to many dog’s survival.


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