“The male dog heard the sound of the approaching train, and laid down next to her. Both of them pushed their heads towards the ground, and let the train pass.” Read more
Boxing Day is observed every year on December 26, however, we like the interpretation of these dogs as to what Boxing Day really is meant to celebrate! Read more
“He started playing with him, which was unbelievable, as I never saw a stray dog playing like he was with this kid, who feeds him every day.” Read more
She's endured horrors most living things can scarcely imagine. Now safe, Liberty is on the verge of stepping back into normalcy, figuratively and literally. Read more
The man steers the near pupcicle towards the shore. Once at the edge, he triumphantly emerges from the water with the dog cradled in his arm like a salami. Read more
"It would mean so much to know that she’s cuddling with loved ones for the holiday season. She had a very tough start and she deserves her fairytale ending.” Read more
“I've been single for four years. But I get cuddles off the dogs and I don't have to wash dirty underpants,” said mom Claire. “They are children to me.” Read more