
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Dog Forced to Live in a Barn for 6 Years Loses 35 POUNDS With One Haircut!

“Conditions were so awful they had to shovel feces to even be able to open the door to get him out. Not once has this dog walked on grass or seen the sky above him.”
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Dog Forced to in a Barn for 6 Years Loses 35 POUNDS With One Haircut!

“Conditions were so awful they had to shovel feces to even be able to open the door to get him out. Not once has this dog walked on grass or seen the sky above him.”
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Cachorro sobrevive a tentativa de eutanásia e é adotado

Nos Estados Unidos, um cachorro foi abandonado no abrigo Ozark City Animal e após algumas semanas sem conseguir ser adotado, sua eutanásia foi agendada. Mas ele sobreviveu a injeção letal e encontrou um novo lar.


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