
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Good Samaritan Jumps into the Thames to Save a Drowning Dog

The rescuer was unable to climb the steep walls of the embankment, and was forced to hold onto a chain with one arm and cradle the dog with the other. <3
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The Last Greyhound Racetrack in London Has Closed Its Doors for Good

Many don’t see this as a victory because they either don’t understand the abuse that takes place behind the scenes or don’t care because they're “just animals.”
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London Launches the World’s First Bus Tour for Dogs

“London is a city famed for its fascinating history and rich culture, much of which man’s best friend has been heavily involved in,” said spokesman Steve Jay.
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Lonely Little Dog Waits Outside of UK ER for Owner Who Fell Ill

"One of our ambulance crews had been called to someone who was feeling unwell, and when they arrived they found the patient accompanied by a little dog," said Sarah Angelou.
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PUPDATE:  Dog Dumped on Bus Reunited with His Family

“I was so happy I started crying. I thought we would never see him again. My children were very sad. Now they are very happy and are with him now.”
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Heartbroken Dog Spends the Night Trembling on a Bus After Being Abandoned on It

“I came back at about 1 am and the dog was still on the bus. I made it comfortable and stayed with it for 15 or 20 minutes and it just didn't want to leave the bus.”
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Um cachorro e quatro gatos vivem como irmãos e fazem sucesso na Internet

A convivência harmoniosa de uma família com um cachorro e quatro gatos derruba qualquer teoria de que cães e felinos são inimigos.

O shar pei Paddington e os gatos Butler, Sailor, Percy e London vivem como irmãos na Austrália.


Hotel britânico contrata cachorro como recepcionista

Que tal se hospedar em um hotel e ser recepcionado por um cachorro? Uma bela e agradável surpresa, não é?

Pensando em tornar a estadia dos hóspedes mais divertida, o hotel Staybridge Suites London Vauxhall contratou um labradoodle como seu mais novo funcionário.



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