
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Petition to Stop Animal Victims from Being Returned to Their Abusers

“An order to return the animals is a dangerous and devastating decision. Our hearts are broken for the animal victims.... This decision was made behind closed doors.”
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Cop Shoots Dog With an AR-15 During a 5-Year-Old’s Birthday Party

The “blank-faced” officer could hear “every one of these kids screaming and crying” as he fired the shot that ended Opie’s life.
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Meth-Addicted Puppy Rescued from a Ditch

“There wasn't a dry eye in here, they were all in tears,” McDonald explained. “There was never a question of should we try to save him, it was ‘We're saving him right?’”
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Garoto reencontra seus 2 cães após tornado

Um garoto saiu com seu avô a procura de seus cachorros que desapareceram durante um tornado em Oklahoma nos Estados Unidos.

Dexter e Repo foram encontrados e estavam em um abrigo. Veja o reencontro desse trio no vídeo.


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