In addition to Loki being a total camera ham who just eats up life, these are also some of the most stunning photos of nature you’ll ever see. Read more
Nirit Levav is an artist and like many artists, she can see things in ways other people can't. Bicycle chains, for example. Most of us would look at them and see...bicycle chains. The more finicky would perhaps distill that down to greasy bicycle chains. Levav does not. She sees dogs. Read more
Pikelet and Patty Cake are two adorable pit bills mixes who, on their own, would melt your heart, but add ducklings, and it becomes almost too cute for words. Calley Gibson-Stoll, who adopted the two, was asked to foster ducklings Penguin and Popinjay by the Wollongong Animal Rescue Network . Little did she know that the two dogs would take to mothering their foster siblings quite as easily as they did. Read more
All the world is in bloom with the coming of spring and everyone enters into it with a renewed sense of vim and vigor. Dogs, too, instinctively know that things have changed and appreciate it. Perhaps more uniquely than we humans do. Here are some of the ways they celebrate. Read more
There doesn't seem to be a good reason why dogs, and certainly cats, are attracted to playing with toilet paper. Fair enough, human children are also in on this particular act. When dogs are older, it is possible that they may eat things that aren't good for them like toilet paper or other odd objects such as rocks, sticks, plastic, or animal feces (which is specifically called caprophagia), but this particular issue, called pica, has no clear identifiable causes. Read more