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pit bull

Strays – Book Review, Author Interview & Free Book Giveaway!

Iris is terrified of dogs – particularly pit bulls. But perhaps her encounter with a pit bull is just the catalyst she needs to take control of her life…
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Stray Pit Bull Found Nursing Kitten On Roadside

A vet tech working at the Mercy Animal Clinic in Garland, Texas came across a female pit bull that was hanging out on the side of a road.  After stopping for a closer inspection, the dog was found to be nursing a two-day-old kitten she had found.

Antes e depois de cães que foram resgatados de rinhas

A realidade dos cães que são obrigados a lutar em rinhas muitas vezes se perde na obscuridade dessa prática que apesar de ser ilegal no Brasil, continua a acontecer como forma de entretenimento bizarro e macabro para um grupo de pessoas completamente sem escrúpulos e respeito à vida.

Após 5 anos e com a ajuda de uma campanha no facebook, o Pit Bull Chester conseguiu ser adotado

O cachorro Chester, um mix de Pit Bull, esperou por 5 anos no abrigo de North Fork Animal Welfare League (NFAWL), em Long Island, Nova York para ser adotado e, finalmente, graças a uma campanha no facebook, hoje ele tem uma casa para chamar de sua.

A gerente do NFAWL, Gabby Stroup, criou a fanpage Chester Waiting for Five Years (Cester esperando por 5 anos, tradução livre) para espalhar a história de pet. Na foto de divulgação, o cachorro segurava uma placa com os seguintes dizeres:


Amazing Reunion of Family and Stolen Dog Found at Cockfighting Bust



An emaciated pit bull was rescued during a raid on a South Carolina cockfighting ring.  During the investigation it was discovered that she was stolen, and she has now been reunited with her overjoyed family.

“It’s seems surreal to both of us,” April told WPDE.  “It’s such a miracle to have her back.”


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