“All Anna wants to do is keep everyone smiling,” she said. “She couldn’t care less about the amount of views, but when she hears about the comments it melts her heart.” Read more
Today's Life With Dogs Adoptable Dog of the Day is Papi from the Charlestown Animal Shelter in Rhode Island. Could he be the dog of your dreams? Read more
“May she rest in peace and continue to inspire us today and always to be the voice of the voiceless. Celebrate her beautiful life by saving one just like her.” Read more
“Zack immediately became my daughter’s protector, and when she was lying on a blanket on the floor, he always had to have one foot on the blanket.” Read more
A total of 45 dogs were rescued, 11 people were arrested, three children taken by CPS, and maybe more arrests to follow; All from a fighting ring raid in Ohio. Read more