
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Ohio Teen Turns His Love for Dogs and Hockey into a Wildly Successful Business – and a Charity

“He sent us updates and pictures, administered medications and even cleaned the yard. As long as Whit is around we won’t be boarding our dogs anymore!”
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Angel May Have Lost Her Battle, But Rebecca Corry Will Keep on Fighting

“May she rest in peace and continue to inspire us today and always to be the voice of the voiceless. Celebrate her beautiful life by saving one just like her.”
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Miranda Lambert Opens an Animal Sanctuary

Now dubbed Redemption Ranch, it can claim the no-kill status, which is a 180 from where it was a couple of years ago – barbarically gassing dogs to death.
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Jon Benthal estrela campanha contra os estereótipos existentes sobre os pit bulls

Jon Benthal é o novo porta-voz de uma campanha que tem como objetivo acabar com os estereótipos e generalizações que existem sobre os pit bulls.


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