
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Reunited & Delighted: This Man’s Car Was Stolen With His Dog Inside!

"She's like my child," said a relieved Randy Garman, who returned from breakfast Saturday to find his car had been stolen with his beloved dog inside....!
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Police Officers Pay Medical Bills for Heroic Dog Shot While Protecting Owner

After making sure her owner was off to the hospital, these officers took the victim's dog to the animal hospital, and even paid for the surgery!
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Dog Abusing Baylor Football Player Suspended for Three Games

Baylor Football announced Ishmael Zamora, the player that beat his Rottweiler repeatedly with a belt, will be suspended for three games by the university.
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ALIVE! Watch as an Italian Search Dog Finds Little Girl Amid the Quake Rubble

In the Italian towns hit by the devastating 6.2 quake, rescuers have been searching for survivors. Not surprisingly, dogs have played a key role.
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Boston’s Finest: Officers Pay Vet Bill for Canine Shooting Victim

When brave dog Fellony took a bullet for its owner this week, Sgt. Thomas Brooks and officers Brian Smith and David Lanteigne paid for the dog's surgery.
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This Police Officer Honored His Late K9 Partner in the Sweetest Way Possible!

When a Georgia police officer lost his devoted partner to cancer, he chose to honor his friend's memory with the noblest of gestures: saving another dog's life.
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DIGGY UPDATE! Incremental Progress as Township Tweaks Ordinance

What began as a simple, happy, adoption story has since morphed into what could be a watershed case for opponents of breed-specific legislation.
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Sheriff’s Deputy Risks His Life to Save a Dog Trapped in a Burning Car

“I've been bit before, but I was going to try... I grabbed the dog's collar and and pulled him out... I love animals, and I didn't want to see him burn to death.”
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NYPD Make Dramatic Water Rescue of Missing Dog from Gravesend Bay

“I’m incredibly happy. I’m a single guy, so that’s my companion,” said Chase's human, Miguel Vazquez.
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