
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Rescue Video

Rescue of Sunnyside Dog With Broken Leg

In Sunnyside, a Houston neighborhood, one of the most dangerous in the nation, South Street Stray Dogs rescuers know only too well the fate of many dogs.
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Terrified Dogs Rescued from Under a Trailer after Fireworks Display

Thanks to a joint effort between Hope for Paws and Katie's Roadside Rescue, seven dogs terrified by a fireworks display were rescued.
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Former Puppy Machine Finally Goes Outside for the First Time in Her Eight-Year Life

Lexy may have suffered horribly at the hands of a backyard breeder, but to see her today, you'd never know it!
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Compassionate Dog Tries to Save Dead Fish by Giving Them Water

Few creatures on this planet show as much empathy towards others as dogs do.
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Abused, Homeless Dog Refuses to Leave Without Her Friend

True loyalty is having a chance to be saved, but sacrificing it to stay with your best friend.
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LWD Presents: Kiki and Mimi, Our Adoptable Dogs of the Day!

Remember, DON’T SHOP! ADOPT! There are plenty of excellent best friends in waiting at your local shelter for you to come and take them home!
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Man Smashes Car Window with HUGE Rock to Save Overheating Dog Inside

"No one came after a while so everyone got together to solve the issue. After the dog was rescued, the owners showed up 50 minutes later."
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