
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Dog Stuck in Mud Getd Rescued

Coastguard offices rescued a pet stuck in chest-high mud when the dog wandered into a dry creek.

Brazilian Man Rescues Pit Bull on Brink of Death

An emaciated and injured dog from the streets of Nova Iguaçu, Brazil, was saved thanks to a compassionate man who couldn't leave the sick dog to its own luck, alone on the streets.

Brazilian Man Rescues pitbull on Brink of Death

A skinny and injured dog from the streets of Nova Iguaçu, Brazil, was saved thanks to a compassionate man who couldn't leave the sick dog to its own luck, alone on the streets.

Abandoned Pit Bull Rescued After Two Day Search in Record Cold

On Monday of last week, Pitty Love Rescue, a no-kill pit bull rescue organization in Rochester, NY, received an urgent call from one of their volunteers

Phoenix Fire Department Rescues Dog from Fire

A dog was saved from an apartment fire in Phoenix, Ariz., when firefighters rescued the pet and revived him using an oxygen mask.

Rescue Group Reunites Senior Dog with Owner

Sheba, a sweet, 10-year-old dog spent 20 days in doggy jail, was place on the "urgent" list and became in danger of euthanasia, but thanks to OTAT she was saved and reunited with her owner.

Dog from Rollover Crash Found 12 Hours Later

After a rollover crash on Interstate 91, Zorro, a 16-year-old dog went missing. Twelve hours later a State Trooper found the dog.

Firefighters Rescue Dog from Canal

Thanks to locals who spotted Hannah swimming in the canal and firefighters who came to the dog's rescue, Hannah was pulled out of the water in time.

Shelter Dog Saves Nearly 1,000 Homeless Cats

Overlooking the peril she often put herself in, Ginny scoured dumpsters and glass-filled containers - and sometimes glove compartments - to find cats that needed her.

Large-Breed Rescue Wins the Right to Stay Open

Noreen Kohl never would have dreamed that sharing her bed and couches with so many dogs could become such a strong component in a court case, but her sense of family is exactly what helped her win an appeal.


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