Firefighter Capt. Mike Bruno has worked 37 years on the job and has seen his share of cats stuck in trees, but in January he rescued his first ever, tree-stranded dog.
Police rescue and abandoned pit bull off the cold streets of McAdoo, Pa., when concerned animal lovers called in to report the dog had been left out tight to a pole.
You see it all the time - drivers in pickup trucks heading down the road on a nice day with open windows and their beloved dog riding along in the bed of the truck,
“She said that the fire department wasn't really wanting to do much about it, didn't want to endanger themselves,” Ciro Silvestri explained. “So if they're not going to do something, I will.”
“I had to take my gloves off, and I started not feeling my hands when I tried to grab the dog” Wesley said. “ My hands and arms were extremely cold. The dog was freaking out.”
“I strongly believe that shelter dogs are the best dogs,” said Hope's mom, Martie. “She is so grateful for her life and we've never had to question making the decision of adopting her.”