
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Dog So Happy to Be Rescued That She Split Her Tail Wagging It Has Now Been Adopted!

“After her surgery, Sandy was as good as gold! She was wagging her new nubbin tail around and acted as though nothing had ever happened.”
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LWD Presents: Sandy, Our Adoptable Dog of the Day!

Remember, DON’T SHOP! ADOPT! There are plenty of excellent best friends in waiting at your local shelter for you to come and take them home!
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Junior Lima posta foto de sua cachorra para mostrar como está feliz pela gravidez da Sandy

Junior Lima usou uma foto de sua cachorra sorrindo para demonstrar a felicidade que está sentindo pela gravidez de sua irmã, Sandy.

A cadela da raça Boston Terrier se chama Bruna Surfistinha.


É com essa cara q eu to, desde q fiquei sabendo q vou ser tio!!!


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