29 Maio, 2015by adminAbuse, Adopted, Dog News, Fundraiser, Injured, International, Recovery, rescue, surgery, Abuse, Adopted, bailey, Fundraiser, rescue, surgery
23 Maio, 2015by adminDog News, Fundraiser, illness, International, Recovery, surgery, England, Fundraiser, heart, neighbor, pacemaker, recover, Springer Spaniel, surgery, UK, village
“It's a small village, so everyone knows Alice,” Siouxie said. “She's so friendly, so everyone wanted to help her when she heard she was ill.” Read more
The post Entire Village Saves a Dog with a “Broken Heart” appeared first on Life With Dogs.
02 Maio, 2015by adminDog News, Fundraiser, Injured, beagle, Dog News, Fundraiser, herniated disc, operation, surgery
24 Abr, 2015by adminDog News, Friendship, Fundraiser, illness, breath, Dog News, Fundraiser, German Shepherd, hernia, illness, operation, surgery
03 Abr, 2015by adminAbuse, Available for Adoption, Dog News, Injured, rescue, Rescue Group, Dog News, foot, paw, rescue, Rescue Group, shoelace, surgery, Thistle, Trio Animal Foundation
03 Abr, 2015by adminDog News, Good Samaritan, Injured, rescue, Dog News, Fundraiser, miracle, recover, rescue, surgery, Washington, zombie
21 Mar, 2015by adminAdopted, Dog News, Injured, Science, street dog, Dog News, implant, nose, Poland, snare, stray, surgery
12 Fev, 2015by adminDog News, health, Science, 11 pound tumor removed, Dog, dog health, Dog News, Dogs, health, pet health, pet surgery, surgery, tumor
06 Fev, 2015by adminAbuse, Available for Adoption, Dog News, Fundraiser, Injured, Rescue Group, adopt, Dog News, Fundraiser, injure, injury, recover, shot, surgery, Tennessee
23 Jan, 2015by adminabandoned, Abuse, Adopted, Dog News, Fundraiser, Injured, rescue, abandoned, Dog News, Florida, pit bull, rescue, surgery