
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Risco de insolação em dias quentes (vídeo)

Com a proximidade do verão, é mais do que natural que a temperatura por todo o Brasil esteja subindo. Se você pensar que nós estamos sofrendo, imagine nossos cães, que além de não liberarem calor como os seres humanos, através do suor, e sim arquejando, muitos ainda têm de enfrentar o clima quente com um casaco de pele natural.

Great Dane in York Haven, Pennsylvania has Nineteen Puppies

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York County, Pennsylvania residents Brandon and Aimie Terry’s Great Dane has finally had her puppies.  Much to their surprise, there were a total of 19 of them!

A Message to All from Hope for Paws

With the colder weather coming for most of us here in the United States, and many other places abroad, the time to remember our furry friends is here more than ever.  There are so many abandoned dogs out there, tired of life on the streets with no food and shelter.  Remember folks, they rely on us just as much as we rely on them.  They give us so much, and expect nothing but love in return.  If you can, please contact your local animal shelters, and see if there isn’t some way you can help.

Rescued! Chubby Dog Trapped in Iron Fence


A mischievous dog from Chile wedged himself in between the posts of an iron fence and needed volunteer firefighters to come to his rescue.

The hero rescuers are not sure why the dog was trapped in the fence. The pet probably wanted to chase after another dog and thought he could squeeze through the iron bars, but when his robust frame didn’t give way, the dog was left yelping for help.


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