
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Firefighters in Texas Rescue Dog from Blaze



Early this Monday morning firefighters in Dallas, Texas saved the life of a dog from a fire at a single story home.  The fire broke out just after midnight.  By the time help arrived, the fire was very visibly, and very rapidly burning throughout the home.

Central Oklahoma Humane Society Seeks Heroic Adopted Pets

The Central Oklahoma Humane Society is hosting a very unique event at 7pm on Saturday, September 27th.  Their first every Pet Hero Award will honor three adopted pets in Oklahoma as part of the inaugural OK Humane Hero Awards, which will take place at 7 p.m. at the Skirvin Hilton Hotel, located at 1 Park Ave. in downtown Oklahoma City.

The purpose of this event is to highlight and celebrate those dogs who survived seemingly insurmountable odds and who have saved the life of a human or another animal or provided excellent service to the community.

A Deer Walked Into Their Yard. You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

Anyone who thinks that animals don’t show emotion and develop friendships needs to see this stunning video!

Adorable Puppy Won’t Stop Licking!

While on their way to the dog park for the first time, these two pooches are hanging out in the car.

The little Shiba Inu puppy won’t stop licking the older Husky.

This footage is absolutely adorable, though it doesn’t seem the Husky is the biggest fan of the non-stop licking!

Cachorro desmaia ao ver tutora novamente

Nós adoramos vídeos com reencontros, ainda mais quando há envolvido um cachorro e um tutor apaixonado.

E com certeza é isso que acontece com o Schnauzer de 14 anos, Casey, que ficou 2 anos sem os tutores por estarem trabalhando na Eslovênia.

A única questão é que o cachorro, como o título da matéria diz, desmaia de tão excitado com o reencontro. E isso pode acontecer com qualquer um.

Garotinha divide comida com um Bull Terrier

No meio do lanchinho, o Bull Terrier está de olho da comida que a garota está comendo. Ela, notando os olhos pidões do cachorro, começa a dar um pouquinho.

Duas coisas muito interessantes acontecem: a conexão pacífica entre criança e cachorro e o cuidado que o pet tem em pegar a comida, respeitando a menina.


Labrador pega cerveja e traz para o seu tutor

Um Labrador muito esperto pega a cerveja no cooler e traz para o seu papai. Confira!

Dog Faints with Excitement at Reunion with Family Member


7.25.14 - Dog Passes Out with Excitement1

Rebecca Ehalt had been gone for two years, “which in fairness is 14 years in dog years,” she explained.  Her mini Schnauzer Casey was so overjoyed to see her that she passed out with excitement at their reunion.

Buldogue Francês brincando na chuva

Um fofíssimo filhote de Buldogue Francês resolveu brincar na chuva. Veja como ele “ataca” os pingos e a água da chuva que caem em seu quintal.


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