
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Would You Steal a Dog to Save Its Life?




If you saw an emaciated dog with a chain embedded in its neck, left outside in the freezing cold, you’d do what you could to save it, right?  That’s what some animal lovers in Washington state did, and the Humane Society of Tacoma just put her right back into the hands her abuser and said animal control is investigating.

UPDATE: Woman Facing Prison for Dog Rescue only Fined

Judy Camp must serve 100 hours at local animal shelters, which is “like telling Bill Clinton he needs to help young impressionable women.... by forcing him to be an UNPAID judge at the NCAA National Cheerleader Competition.”

Senior Dog Walks Three Miles to Find Owner Missing in Landslide

Though it is tragic that he wasn’t able to find his dad alive, Boomer’s own rescue gave searchers a much-needed morale booster.

Washington State Proposes Bill to End BSL

“Human beings used to get chickens and put them together and have them fight, but we would never declare chickens as violent creatures,” said Rep. Christ Reykdal.


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