
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


“Let’s lock and load this baby!” Watch Dog Pull Girl’s Loose Tooth

Go big or go home. In the age of the Internet, there are certainly less entertaining ways for an adorable 10-year-old to yank a stubborn baby tooth.
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Man Who Never Learned to Swim Heroically Rescues Dog Drowning in River

"The moment I started taking off my turban, people watching around were shocked," Singh said. "They thought I was disrespecting my faith, but what was important at that point was to save the animal's life."
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Let’s Go Home – A Fresh Take On Shelters

Let's Go Home is a powerful poem written and performed by artist Steve Connell that brings forth a new way to look at the place people call a shelter.
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156 Beagles Are Freed from Testing Facility

Thanks to the efforts of many rescue groups, these 156 beagles have a second shot at having a good life, like every creature deserves.
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Heartless Breeder Planned on Tossing Willow for Being “Defective”

Willow was almost the victim of a heartless breeder that was going to throw her out for being "defective." Luckily, Second Chances Rescue saved the day.
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