
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Dog Saved the Life of a Tiny Bird, and Now He Misses His New Friend Dearly

“He flew a big circle in my living room and landed right on top of Diamond’s head... Diamond came nose to beak to the bird and then he started licking him.”
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Dog Graciously Allows Bird to Eat Off Her Head

“Inca is very laid back. She's rather big for a whippet but she's so calm and nonchalant it's unbelievable,” Askey said. .
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5 Signs Your Pet Bird is Sick

pet birdBecause birds are prey animals, they’ll mask signs of illness until they can’t fake it any longer. This helps them survive in the wild, where predators look specifically for the weak and ill animals in a flock in order to take them down more easily.

The Problem with Feeding Birds an All-Seed Diet

birdsAlthough seeds are a convenient and affordable option when it comes to feeding your pet bird, they actually aren’t the best in terms of nutrition, and feeding a diet made up exclusively of seeds can result in a number of health problems, including cardiovascular issues and m

In the Art of Dancing, Animals Take Top Spot

dancingWith the longtime success of dance competitions including “So You Think You Can Dance” and “Dancing With the Stars,” it’s no doubt that we love dancing … even if we’re not very good at it.

Top 8 Household Hazards to Pet Birds

pet birdsPet birds are surprisingly delicate, and many things in your home can actually pose a serious threat to their health and wellbeing.

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