
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


K-9 Comforts Three Small, Abandoned Puppies He Helped Rescue

“A Trooper never knows what he may encounter on a shift, but a day with puppies is a good day,” the Georgia Department of Public Safety said.
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Surrendered Dog Left at Shelter With Note From Heartbroken Child

“I really hope he is in a good environment. I really miss him,” the little boy wrote in a spiral notebook surrendered along with the energetic boxer.
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Woman Catches Hilarious Moment When a Boxer Farts on His Friend

“I found it absolutely hilarious and burst out laughing – I thought to myself, ‘this has to be shared with everyone, not just his owners,’” Kathryn Roux said.
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Boxer Totally Perfects the Mannequin Challenge

The #MannequinChallenge has been taking the Internet by storm, but this Boston the boxer's serious stay-still skills are on a whole other level!
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Boxer Totally Perfects the “Mannequin Challenge”

The #MannequinChallenge has been taking the Internet by storm, but this Boston the boxer's serious stay-still skills are on a whole other level!
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Cão idoso carrega seu melhor amigo para todo lugar que vai

É muito difícil não se derreter ao ver Rex, um cão da raça Boxer, e seu melhor amigo Smores, um porquinho-da-índia, passeando juntos.

Por já ser idoso, Rex anda com a ajuda de uma cadeira de rodas, e o lugar preferido de Smores na hora dos passeios é uma cestinha rosa que fica anexado a cadeira de rodas do cão.

Good Samaritan Saves the Life of a Starving Dog With a Chain Embedded in His Neck

“When you abuse and neglect a dog, much like if you did it to a child, our society is not going to put up with it,” said Chief Deputy Randy Christian.
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